Friday, January 12, 2007

What is a good Digital Photo Image

I found a great answer to this question on "All About Digital Photos"

The article says that a good quality digital photo is one :
  • taken with a good quality digital camera (good optics and digital sensor)
  • a photo that has not been enlarged either in post-processing or by in-camera digital zoom (never (ever) use digital zoom).
  • a photo that has been properly shot (good lighting, no blur)
  • a photo shot within the camera's ideal ISO range (usually a low ISO such as ISO 100)
  • a photo that has been stored in either a loss less format (i.e. TIF) or a very low compressed JPEG (highest camera JPEG quality setting).

In other words take the highest quality of photo that your digital camera allows and then provide a copy of the original photo .. right off the camera .. before it is opened in photoshop or any other software.

The quality of the printed image is directly related to the quality of the image.

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